

  Be sure to notice your health condition and stamina while using every piece of equipment. First-time users, please consult with staff for the standard using methods and postures instead of unauthorized using. Furthermore, users must know and follow the rules of Gym.

1.     未滿16足歲孩童禁止進入。
Children under 16 years old are prohibited.

2.     未穿著適當運動服裝、運動鞋及攜帶毛巾者,禁止進入本場館。
All facility users must wear sports outfit, sneakers and bring towels before entering the center.

3.     使用後請將設備歸回原位,並小心輕放且務必將器材上之汗水擦拭乾淨,以便他人使用。
Please return the equipment after use and being gently while using. Be sure to swipe off the sweat on the equipment clearly for convenience.

4.     嚴禁攜帶任何食品、飲料入場(飲用水除外)
No any food or beverages allowed except for drinking water. 

5.     重量訓練室公共區域禁止放置私人物品,水壺請放置於專用區域。
Place the personal items in the public area in the Gym are forbidden. Please store the water bottle in the certain area. 

6.     個人物品請鎖至置物櫃內並上鎖,貴重物品請自妥善保管,本中心不負看管之責任。
Please lock all personal belongings in the locker and keep them secured. The center is not responsible for any lost items.

7.     使用館內場地時,請注意使用時間,勿超時占用(包含公益時段),尊重下一位使用者的權利。
Please notice the time while using the facility. Respect the rights of other user instead of overtime-use. (Public hours included.)

8.     使用器材之前,請先暖身,如需運動計畫或處方,請向現場服務人員洽詢預約。
Please warm-up before using any equipment. If you need any exercise plan or methods, please consult with staff on-site.

9.     如有任何不適,請立即通知現場服務人員。
If you feel uncomfortable, please inform the staff on-site immediately.

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