

1.     身高滿90cm以上者進入桌球室需購票入場。
Tickets are necessary for people over 90 centimeters tall to enter the facility.

2.     未穿著適當運動服裝、運動鞋,禁止進入本場館。
All facility users must wear sports outfit, sneakers and bring towels before entering the center.

3.     桌球室開放時間以非上課時段為主,如遇上課時間則暫停開放。
The opening hours of the facility are mainly during non-class hours, for the priority, it will be closed during class hours.

4.     場館優先使用順序: he priority order of usage will be:
1. 體育課程教學 Physical education classes
2. 本校代表隊訓練 Sports team of NCU
3. 經管理單位申請核備之相關活動 The activity approved by the Office of Physical Education
4. 一般使用 General usage

5.     嚴禁攜帶任何食品、飲料入場(飲用水除外)
No any food or beverages allowed except for drinking water. 

6.     禁止攀坐、倚靠球桌、持球拍敲擊桌面及跨越圍布。
Do not sit and lean on the table, hit the surface of the table with the paddle, and cross the surrounded fabrics.

7.     未經管理單位同意,請勿任意移動球檯,圍布及相關設備。
Do not move any table, fabric, and related equipment without permission.

8.     球檯上除放置球拍及球,請勿放置其他物品 (如衣服、背包、飲用水等)
Do not put anything on the table (e.g. clothes, bags, drinking water, etc.), except for the ping-pong ball and padd

9.     本校桌球教室每桌進場人數上限4,為控管人數進入本校桌球教室所有人員皆須配合進出場登記。
The maximum of entering the NCU table tennis room is 4 people per table.
In order to control the number of people entering the table tennis room, everyone must sign in and out.

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