

  For environmental maintenance and safety, people who violate the regulation, disobey the instructions by the staff and lifeguard, offend the right of others, lead to injury. The center has the right to ask to leave (No refunds), and the regulations are authorized in SPA pools, steam rooms, and sauna room. The complement rules are based on the ones of every facility. 

1.     未滿16足歲孩童禁止進入。
Children under 16 years old are prohibited.

2.     為不影響水質及衛生,游泳池內禁止穿鞋/拖鞋,泳客須著貼身泳衣、泳褲、泳帽入池。
For maintaining water quality and hygiene, swimmers must wear swimming suits or swimming trunks, and swimming hats for entering the facility.

3.     使用者應了解自身情況,若有以下情形之一,禁止使用各項設施
Users should know their physical condition. If you have physical conditions below, do not use any facility in the SPA area.

·        傳染性疾病,Contagious disease.

·        癲癇症,Epilepsy.

·        意識不清,Being unconscious.

·        皮膚病(潰爛、傷口Dermatitis (skin disease) with ulcer or wound.

·        多發性硬化症,Multiple Sclerosis, MS.

·        發燒超過攝氏37度,Fever over 37Celsius.

·        飯後一小時內,Within an hour after meal.

·        酒後,After drinking alcohol.

·        嚴重睡眠不足,Severe lacking of sleep.

·        藥效未退前,Medical effects that have not wear off .

·        患有高血壓,心臟病,糖尿病等非傳染性疾病,Hypertension (high blood pressure), Cardiac disease (heart disease), Diabetes and other non-contagious diseases.

·        其他身體不適症狀,Other uncomfortable conditions.

·        醫生建議不適合使用水中運動設施 With the suggestion of doctor for not using pool facilities.

4.     領有身心障礙手冊者,建議由一名必要之陪伴者全程陪伴進入泳池游泳。
People with disability identification please acquire an essential companion before entering the pool.

5.     65歲以上之長者,建議須有家屬/同伴陪同使用,使用時間請勿過長。 
It is suggested for the elderly over 65 years old to use the facilities with company, and be sure not to use overtime.

6.     空腹以及飽食後請勿使用,運動後休息15分鐘再使用設施。
Do not use the facility when you are fasting or satiated. Please rest for 15 minutes after exercise, then use the facilities.

7.     禁止攜帶寵物進入泳池區域,輔助盲人同胞的工作犬需在指定的區域等候。
Do not enter the swimming pool area with pets. Guide dogs that lead the blind or visually impaired people should wait in a directed place.

8.     SPA區公共區域禁止放置私人物品,私人物品請使用置物櫃並且上鎖。
Place the personal items in the public area in the SPA facility are forbidden. Please use the lockers to store your belongings.

9.     使用水壺放置架請自看管物品,本中心不付任何保管責任
Please take care of your belongings when using the water bottle shelfs. The center will not be responsible for lost items.

10. 禁止以平躺姿勢及趴姿使用設施。
Do not use facility with lying or facing down position.

11. 嚴禁攜帶任何食品、飲料入場(飲用水除外)
No any food or beverages are allowed except for drinking water.

12. 入池前請徹底淋浴及卸妝,嚴禁塗抹防曬油、保養品及化妝品。
Please take a complete shower and remove makeup before entering the pool. Do not wear any sunscreen, cosmetics, or makeup.

13. 禁止配戴玻璃泳鏡、眼鏡(玻璃或安全鏡片)或攜帶玻璃容器、陶瓷器及其他易碎物品進入設施。
Do not wear glass goggles, glasses with glass or safety lens, or carry glass containers, ceramics, and any other fragile objects into the facility. 

14. 禁止攜帶蛙鞋、救生圈、球類、水上玩具、眼鏡及首飾等物品入池。
It is forbidden to bring fins, lifebuoys, balls, water toys, glasses and jewelry into the pool.

15. 禁止於池內或池邊實施潛泳、踢水等游泳行為及跳水、奔跑、嬉戲、蹲坐或站立於池邊等妨害他人安全之行為。
Swimming, diving, running, playing, squatting either in the pool or beside the pool, and other dangerous behaviors are not allowed.

16. 為避免影響閉館時間及人員管控,每日每時段閉館前將提早15分鐘清池。
To avoid affecting the closing time and personnel control, the facility will be cleared 15 minutes before closing every day.

17. 請來賓遵守規則,並遵行救生員及管理人員之勸導說明,否則應自行負擔一切責任。
Visitors should follow the rules and the direction made by the lifeguard or the staff. Otherwise, visitors should take their own responsibility.

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