1. 未滿16足歲孩童禁止進入SPA區及重量訓練室
Children under 16 years old are not allow to enter the SPA facility and the
2. 身高滿90cm以上者進入桌球室需購票入場。
The tickets are necessary for people over 90 centimeters tall to enter the
table tennis room.
3. 未穿著適當運動服裝、運動鞋及攜帶毛巾者,禁止進入本場館。
All facility users must wear sports outfit, sneakers and bring towels before
entering the center.
4. 公益時段為回饋社會服務,請使用者珍惜場所並遵守入場規定。
Public Charity session is for social contribution. Please follow the entering
5. 當您計畫進行較多的身體活動時,為維護您個人健康及安全,請自行完成健康檢查及請醫師為您建議適合之運動項目,並請主動告知現場服務人員以了解健康狀況,如有需要時方能協助。
For the reason of personal health and safety protection. Please ensure to do a
health check, and acquire suggestions of suitable sports from the doctor before
you plan to advance multiple activities. Moreover, please inform the staff to
know your health condition if you need any assistant.
6. 患有高血壓、糖尿病、心臟病、傳染病、飯後一小時內、血壓過低、酒後、嚴重睡眠不足或其他任何身體不適者,禁止使用所有設備。
People who have hypertension, cardiac disease, contagious disease, low blood
pressure, and others after the meal within an hour, after drinking alcohol,
lack of sleep, feeling uncomfortable are prohibited from using any facility.
7. 嚴禁吸菸、喝酒、嚼食檳榔、口香糖及攜帶任何食品、飲料入場(飲用水除外)。
No smoking, alcohol drinking, chewing betel nuts or gums and bringing food or
beverages into the center. Except for drinking water.
8. 使用館內場地時,請注意使用時間,勿超時佔用(包括公益時段),尊重下一位使用者的權利。
Please notice the time while using the facility. Respect the rights of the next
user instead of overtime use. Public Charity session are included.
9. 個人物品請置放於置物櫃並自行上鎖,若遺失物品,本中心恕不負責。以便管理,限當天使用,違者清空。
Please lock your personal items in the lockers properly, The center will not be
responsible for lost items.
10. 如需使用置物櫃請於一樓服務台押證件借用,限當天使用,違者清空。
Lockers could be borrowed by your ID in the front desk at lobby. lockers are
limited to one-day use, and it will be cleared on the next day.
11. 本中心所舉辦的各項活動,請依規定報名參加,禁止私下它用。
Please register to participate in the activities held by the center. The
exceptional private use is forbidden.
12. 禁本中心教學課程以外的私人教學行為。
Personal training is prohibited, except for the educational courses in the
13. 若因使用不當造成設備/器材毀損,本中心有權要求損壞賠償。
The center has the right to ask for compensation when the equipment or
facilities were damage because of inappropriate use.
14. 為維持環境及安全,如違反使用須知、不聽從教練指導或個人因素而影響他人權益或導致受傷時,本中心得立即禁止使用。
Because of environmental maintenance and safety, people who violate the
regulation, disobey the instructions made by staff, offend the right of others,
and cause injury to others are prohibited.
15. 未經中心許可,禁止照相,攝影,錄音,張貼或懸掛海報,旗幟,標語。
No photo-taking, video shooting, recording, or hanging wallpapers, flags,
slogans without permission.
16. 禁止攜帶雨具及寵物進入中心,輔助盲人同胞的導盲犬不在此限。
Please do not bring rain gears or pets into the center. Guide dogs that lead
blind or visually impaired people are not regulated.
17. 淋濕的物品(如:傘/鞋/衣/帽…等)請先擦乾再帶入中心,以避免地面濕滑以及水氣損害地板材質。
To avoid slippery or floor damaged, please dry your wet items (umbrellas,
shoes, clothes, hats, etc.) before entering the center.
18. 未經同意禁止使用館內插座,如因活動或租借場地,需先付費後方能使用。
Using the plugs in the center without consent is forbidden. For activities or
rental, please pay for fees before using.
19. 請共同維護場館整潔,離開場館請將垃圾帶離並配合隨手關燈,關窗。
Please take out the garbage, turn off the lights and close the window before
leaving the facility for tidy maintenance.
20. 本須知如有未盡事宜,得另行增列,修訂之,並以現場公告或服務人員說明為主。
The regulation can be revised or added. The staff's explanation or the
announcement will be the standard.